Welcome to this site. I'm Talya Firedancer.
I write.
A lot. Not as much as I would like to, but I've been writing in some form -- poetry, novella, short stories, essays -- since I was ten years old. One of my majors in college was concentrated on creative writing. In 1998, my love of writing fused with my love of anime to become fanfiction. I've been writing fanfiction as well as original fiction for the past five years now. This site is a collection of my fanfiction and selected original pieces spanning the past five years. Because this is a fanfiction-focused site, you won't find a lot of character information, image galleries, or downloads available here. This is a fanfiction site and pre-supposes that you have knowledge of whatever series you'd find fiction for. My writing is, and always has been, a work in progress. Chronologically, the fandoms I have written are Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Weiss Kreuz, Flame of Recca, platform-based games (RPGamer, Final Fantasy), original fiction, and recently quite a scattering of miscellaneous series , movies, books, and games. In reading through all of these fandoms there has been some growth over time; I'm constantly trying to improve. (Nevertheless, fanfic is not my "serious" medium; it is my hobby, and there may be typoes or unpolished works therein.) I've written over 150 pieces of fanfiction and originals, one-shot and multi-parter; most of them are currently archived on this site. I hope you find something you like, or at least something that interests you. I hope you'll e-mail me or sign my Guestbook when you do.