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Fanfiction Archive.
What You Ask For my first Rurouni Kenshin fic. A certain red-headed rurouni is forced to examine his feelings for someone who seeks to become closer to him, and makes an unusual request. NO SPOILERS...well...except for episodes four and five, really, but that's fairly minor. (This fic is for 18+)
Questionable Intent Whenever trouble
approaches...it has an uncanny habit of finding Kenshin. And then usually
trashes the Kamiya Dojo for good measure. For the most dangerous of assignments,
the police know better than to approach Kaoru's home -- because she'll
tag along for the fun! Kenshin and Sanosuke set out on a mission to uncover
the true nature of a dangerous, possibly familiar killer...and Kaoru's
suspicions get her into a Very Bad Place. COMPLETE. SPOILERS for the identity
of Hiko Seijuurou, as well as some spoilers for the Tsuioku Arc of the
manga. (Vol. 19-20, Kenshin's past.) Mostly minor ones involving how Kenshin
became Hitokiri; nothing major. (This fic is for 13+)
Paying the Tab ...Saitou
seeks Sanosuke out for some information before he leaves Tokyo, and follows
up on his initial "calling card." SPOILERS for later Jinchuu Arc manga
- around 24, I think? (This fic is for 18+)
Blood Footprints in Snow Country Long after the Revenge Arc comes to a conclusion, (and loosely based on the same continuity as "Paying the Tab") three men from the Kyoto Arc are drawn to the north. Soujirou serves as bait to bring in a pretty-boy killer, and Mibu's Wolf hunts again. Written for KnM's birthday, 26-07-02. But wait for the sequel... (This fic is for 13+)
The Best Defense Sano's all brash mouth and flying fists. But for some reason he bothers Saitou...
Sequel to "Blood Footprints." (This fic is for 18+)
Resurgence Soujirou is drawn to his hometown of Nagoya to put his ghosts to rest once and for all. Meanwhile, Saitou comes to the city to put a stop to a series of killings. The Wolf and the Tenken were fated to meet again, and a force stronger than fate binds them as well. Written for KnM's birthday, 26-07-03.
Sequel to "The Best Defense." (This fic is for 18+)
Winter's Intermission
Sano returns from the first part of a mission for Saitou only to bump into a familiar smiling tensai swordsman, Soujirou, come to Tokyo and seeking shelter from the cold. Soujirou has decided to stop running. Together, the two share a night of warmth. Written for KnM for Valentine's Day, 14-02-04.
Sequel to "Resurgence." (This fic is for 18+)
If At First the Bushes Are Occupied... A parody fic
for Kristi's birthday. Lime, silliness, and strange crossovers ensue. (This fic is for 13+)
Akazukin Sano A parody of the traditional fairy-tale, starring Sagara Sanosuke and a certain Wolf of Mibu.